Tuesday, April 8, 2008

36 textures

(note there are more than 36 textures uploaded because a few of them are drafts)

"Sandy" wall
"Honeycomb" ceiling
"Organic" floor

Sidney Nolan's painting "The Trial" (1947) used enamel paint on composition board. Enamel is an oil based paint. The painting is appoximatetly 1.1 meters squared. This means that it is about regular size so it would not have taken a really long time to paint. The use of enamel paint will give the painting a glossy look, which will make the bright colours standout.

Patricia Piccinni's painting "Green Landscape" is part of a collection in the "Protien Lattice" exhibition in 1997. These series of paintings must have taken a long time to paint, but individually it wouldn't take long compared to other similar sized paintings. The paintings have a finish similar to that of Sidney Nolan's indicating she may have used an oil based paint.

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